
Obsessive, Compulsive Ex-Girlfriend Disorder

There comes a time when you’re more likely to stalk your ex’s ex than your own ex, and I think there’s something beautiful about that. Could this be the ultimate feminist act?

Are We in a Golden Age of the Female Gaze?

Romance Has Never Been Hotter - And Never Considered Men Less.

  • IF...
  • IF...
  • IF...
  • Why Weird Girl Fiction Speaks to Something in All of us

    Often borrowing tropes from the horror and supernatural, weird girl fiction doesn’t shy away from the ugly parts of womanhood. Iit hones in on them.

    WLW Sex Can Trigger Body Insecurities at First (but also be really beautiful)

    Unlearning everything I had come to know about sex was quite the adjustment.

  • Gaga's Opera of Pain
  • The Trauma of Being a Tween: Eighth Grade and Welcome to the Dollhouse
  • Beyond the Fig Tree: Embracing Clarice Lispector's Abyss in the Age of TikTok
  • Making The Case For Parasocial Relationships: Taylor’s Version
  • When Writers Become Gods
  • "For Generations, it’s Been Students at the Forefront of Movements"
  • "The Angrier I Get, The Freer I Feel": Neurodiversity's Trailblazers on Learning to Thrive With a *Spicy* Brain
  • What the Eras Tour Taught me About Motherlessness and Sisterhood

    The last thing I expected was for seeing the icon whose fans adoringly call “mother" to rub so raw against the loss of my own.


    You used to weigh no more than a five-pound bag of Domino’s sugar—this your mother likes to tell you often, fondly, with nostalgia-stars in her eyes. Next to the baby picture is the middle school picture of you in your tennis team uniform. You, a just-hatched bird, were smiling; XS labels on all your clothes.

  • Better to Dance Awkwardly Than to Walk Lamely
  • Perfect Mess: Our World Through Generative AI
  • A Woman Possessed
  • Does Anyone Else Miss Getting Ready Together?
  • Mythologizing the Tortured Artist
  • May Cause Side Effects: Situationships and the Heartbreak I Wasn’t Expecting

    He gave up and called it off with a parting text. All the anger I had felt, trying to protect myself, made way for the sheer disappointment and sadness I felt at the end of this short lived romance.

  • If He Wanted To, He Would: TikTok vs. Our Romantic Relationships
  • Divorced by 30: 3 Women on Embracing ‘Failed’ Relationships
  • My Era of Solo Dating
  • The 21st Century Version of ROMANCE - A Shift From Fairytale To Conscious Relationships
  • You’re not Mentally ill for Listening to Taylor Swift
  • You Do It To Yourself: Why We Can’t Stop Social Media Stalking

    I clicked on her profile, fulfilling some lizard-brain urge to snoop, and then did the one thing that we all have nightmares about, and accidentally followed her. I unfollowed within seconds, but her reflexes were sharp—and I was swiftly and quite rightly blocked.

    Skin Longevity: Anti Ageing Repackaged